Investor Intelligence
The Investor Intelligence Group at Alliance Advisors provides several different programs to support your IR efforts including Ownership Insight, Market Surveillance, Investor Targeting and Perception Studies. These services provide information on who owns your stock, daily trading information, weekly share position changes and buying or selling by institutional investors. Alliance also provides intelligence on how to secure new investors to increase shareholder value and how the investment community views your company. The following are the programs we offer to meet your IR requirements and budget:

Ownership Insight
Ownership Insight is our innovative weekly reporting service developed by Alliance that tracks ownership changes within your shareholder base instead of relying on stale 13F data. This program also provides a cost-effective alternative to a full scale market surveillance service by providing the client with:
- Share Flow Analysis
- Stock Performance
- Share Position Changes
- Activist Signal
- Influence Analysis
Market Surveillance
Our Market Surveillance program provides qualitative analysis of daily trading and market activity, ownership changes and the key traits of the major institutional investors and hedge funds in your company’s stock. The analysts in our group have decades of experience and are supported by databases and intelligence that is unique to Alliance due to our proxy solicitation activities. A dedicated year round Senior Analyst assigned to your company will provide:
- Daily monitoring of all trading activity with Stock Alerts
- Identification of the custodial arrangements of your largest investors
- Insight into the major buyers/sellers of your stock including their strategy, sector activity, peer holdings and market commentary
- Identify Activist buying or selling and creeping accumulations
- IR and Corporate Governance Alerts
- Roadshow feedback
- Investor Day preparation
Investor Targeting
Our Investor Targeting program is designed to generate a list of institutional investors that may be receptive to your company’s specific story. Alliance employs a methodology that takes into account your company’s operating efficiency as well as stock performance.
Our unique two-step process begins by screening the entire equity security database to develop a peer group that resembles your company. After the peer group is established, we then run a cross-ownership of each company’s institutional holders to pinpoint the entities that have been major buyers of one or more of the companies in the group. Our search process is metric specific so by adjusting one key characteristic, whether financial or technical our screening system will generate a new set of companies that have similar operating metrics.
Perception Studies
Alliance conducts perception studies that provide comprehensive qualitative and quantitative feedback on the investment community’s view of your company. Our studies improve relationships with your investors and sell-side analysts by providing insight and feedback into the drivers of their investment decisions.
This is particularly useful when companies undergo managerial changes, announce or complete acquisitions and after presenting at roadshows or hosting investor days. Our studies can also help companies to gauge whether their investors are aligned with managements’ strategy. Through tailored questions that address issuer-specific concerns, our seasoned analysts conduct in-depth interviews. Our final report provides actionable data to improve your corporate image and communication with the investment community.
Retail Holdings Analysis
It is critical for companies that are largely owned by “retail” or individual shareholders to understand this often-overlooked shareholder base. Even though retail investors only account for a fraction of trading volume on the NYSE, some public companies have significant retail ownership. In such cases, retail investors carry crucial voting power and should command management’s attention.
Alliance’s Investor Intelligence Group will identify key retail holders including non-13f filers such as, wealth management advisors, endowments, corporate pension funds, foreign institutions, and domestic holders that fall below the filing thresholds. If necessary, Alliance can also create and implement both small and large scale retail communications initiatives through its contact centers, digital outreach tools and creative mail engagement programs.